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Required documents:

  • land and mortgage register number,

  • the basis for the purchase, e.g. a copy of a notarial deed, a final court decision
    confirmation of inheritance acquisition, extract of the inheritance certificate,

  • in the event that the acquisition comes from inheritance, donation or usucaption - win the case when the acquisition comes from inheritance, donation, gratuitous transfer 
    etax fromco-ownership, acquisitive prescription - a certificate from the Tax Office,
    inheritances and donations was not due, was paid or the liability expired,

  • personal data of the parties (names, surname, parents' names, ID card number or
    passport and their expiry date, PESEL number, address of residence, marital status, political system
    matrimonial property, and in the case of legal persons (or other entities) – full
    company/name with representatives' data, register numbers, REGON, NIP, address),

  • fixed price, date and method of payment, information about the deposit/advance payment,

  • issue date,

  • seller's bank account number,

  • a certificate that no one is registered in the apartment building,

  • certificate of whether the plot is covered by the local development plan
    zoning plan (if so, stating the purpose of the land) or a decision on conditions

  • a certificate confirming that the plots are or are not covered by the simplified plan
    management of the forest and that they are or are not covered by a decision specifying tasks in the field of management
    forest - to be obtained in Warsaw - in the Warsaw City Forests, from other areas - froml
    the competent starosty,

  • a certificate from the commune, the content of which will show that the real estate in question is not
    are located in the zone of the revitalization area reserving the pre-emptive right to the commune
    and are not located in the Special Revitalization Zone, based on a resolution of the Commune Council
    issued on the basis of art. 8 in conjunction with Art. 9 and 10 of the Act of October 9, 2015 onrevitalization (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 1777),

  • excerpt from the land register, and if the plot is detached and established
    a new land and mortgage register for her - an excerpt with an outline for all plots, z
    annotation that they are intended for making entries in the land and mortgage register,

  •  information whether the plot of land has access to a public road,

  • a document confirming the commissioning of the building,

  • description of the building (number of storeys, usable area, whether it has a basement),

  • final decision approving the division of real estate - when it is not disclosed in
    land and mortgage register,

  • loan agreement and documents from the bank to establish a mortgage, if payment
    all or part of the sale price is financed from a bank loan,

  • energy performance certificate for a residential building located on
    real estate.

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