Required documents:
personal data of Shareholders/Shareholders (names, surname, parents' names, marital status, matrimonial property regime, ID card or passport number and expiry date, PESEL number, address of residence, and if a legal person (or other entity) is to be a party to the contract - full company/name with representatives' data, register numbers, REGON, NIP, registered office address),
the Company's company,
registered office of the Company (city),
duration of the Company (the period for which the company was established), if specified,
the subject of the Company's activity (e.g. indication of PKD numbers),
specifying the method of participation of Shareholders/Shareholders in the profits and losses of the Company,
specifying the contributions made by each Shareholder, their value and specifying the method of covering the contributions (cash or in-kind contribution; in the case of in-kind contribution, description of the in-kind contribution),
in the case of a partnership: indication of the name of at least one partner, which will be disclosed in the company name; surnames and first names of the partners who bear unlimited liability for the partnership's obligations, if the partner/partners agreed to be liable as a partner in a general partnership; surnames and first names of partners who are authorized to represent the company; this does not apply if the articles of association do not provide for restrictions on the right of representation by the partners; determining whether the Management Board will be entrusted with running the affairs and representing the company; specification of the profession practiced by the partners within the partnership;
in the case of a limited partnership: specifying which partner will be the general partner; indication of the name/business name of the general partner, who will be disclosed in the company's business name; specifying which partner will be the limited partner; indication of the limited sum;
in the case of a limited joint-stock partnership: specifying which partner will be the general partner; indication of the name/business name of the general partner, who will be disclosed in the company's business name; the amount of share capital; the number of shares of particular types and the rights related to them, if shares of different types are to be introduced; the nominal value of the shares and their number, indicating whether the shares are registered or bearer shares; organization of the general meeting and the Supervisory Board.